Source code for numericalmodel.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# system modules
import logging
import warnings
import inspect
import re
import datetime
import collections

# internal modules

# external modules
import numpy as np

### util functions ###
[docs]def is_numeric(x): """ Check if a given value is numeric, i.e. whether numeric operations can be done with it. Args: x (any): the input value Returns: bool: ``True`` if the value is numeric, ``False`` otherwise """ attrs = ['__add__', '__sub__', '__mul__', '__truediv__', '__pow__'] return all(hasattr(x, attr) for attr in attrs)
[docs]def utcnow(): """ Get the current utc unix timestamp, i.e. the utc seconds since 01.01.1970. Returns: float : the current utc unix timestamp in seconds """ ts = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1) ).total_seconds() return ts
#################### ### util classes ### ####################
[docs]class LoggerObject(object): """ Simple base class that provides a 'logger' property Args: logger (logging.Logger): the logger to use """ def __init__(self, logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)): # set logger self.logger = logger ################## ### Properties ### ################## @property def logger(self): """ the :any:`logging.Logger` used for logging. Defaults to ``logging.getLogger(__name__)``. """ try: # try to return the internal property return self._logger except AttributeError: # didn't work name = self.__class__.__name__ module = self.__class__.__module__ string = "{module}.{name}".format(name=name,module=module) return logging.getLogger(string) # return default logger @logger.setter def logger(self, logger): assert isinstance(logger, logging.Logger), \ "logger property has to be a logging.Logger" self._logger = logger
[docs]class ReprObject(object): """ Simple base class that defines a :any:`__repr__` method based on an object's ``__init__`` arguments and properties that are named equally. Subclasses of :any:`ReprObject` should thus make sure to have properties that are named equally as their ``__init__`` arguments. """ @classmethod
[docs] def _full_variable_path(cls,var): """ Get the full string of a variable Args: var (any): The variable to get the full string from Returns: str : The full usable variable string including the module """ if inspect.ismethod(var): # is a method string = "{module}.{cls}.{name}".format( name=var.__name__,cls=var.__self__.__class__.__name__, module=var.__module__) else: name = var.__name__ module = var.__module__ if module == "builtins": string = name else: string = "{module}.{name}".format(name=name,module=module) return(string)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Python representation of this object Returns: str : a Python representation of this object based on its ``__init__`` arguments and corresponding properties. """ indent = " " # the current "full" classname classname = self._full_variable_path(self.__class__) # get a dict of {'argname':'property value'} from init arguments init_arg_names = inspect.getfullargspec(self.__init__).args init_args = {} # start with empty dict for arg in init_arg_names: if arg == "self": continue # TODO hard-coded 'self' is bad try: attr = getattr(self,arg) # get the attribute try: string = self._full_variable_path(attr) except: string = repr(attr) # indent the arguments init_args[arg] = re.sub( string = string, pattern = "\n", repl = "\n" + indent, ) except AttributeError: # no such attribute warnstr = ("class {cls} has no property or attribute " "'{arg}' like the argument in its __init__. Cannot include " "argument '{arg}' into __repr__.").format( cls=classname,arg=arg) warnings.warn(warnstr) # create "arg = {arg}" string list for reprformat args_kv = [] for arg in init_args.keys(): args_kv.append(indent + "{arg} = {{{arg}}}".format(arg=arg)) # create the format string if args_kv: # if there are arguments reprformatstr = "\n".join([ "{____classname}(", ",\n".join(args_kv), indent+")", ]) else: # no arguments reprformatstr = "{____classname}()" # add classname to format args reprformatargs = init_args.copy() reprformatargs.update({"____classname":classname}) reprstring = (reprformatstr).format(**reprformatargs) return reprstring
[docs]class SetOfObjects(ReprObject, LoggerObject, collections.MutableMapping): """ Base class for sets of objects """ def __init__(self, elements = [], element_type = object): = dict() # empty dict # set properties self.element_type = element_type self.elements = elements ################## ### Properties ### ################## @property def elements(self): """ return the list of values :getter: get the list of values :setter: set the list of values. Make sure, every element in the list is an instance of (a subclass of) :any:`element_type`. :type: :any:`list` """ return [[x] for x in sorted(] @elements.setter def elements(self, newelements): assert isinstance(newelements, collections.Iterable), ( "elements have to be list") # re-set the dict and fill it with new data tmp = dict() # temporary empty dict for i in range(len(newelements)): elem = newelements[i] assert isinstance(elem, self.element_type), \ ("new element nr. {i} is instance of <{cls}> " "which is not subclass of <{vtype}>.").format( i=i, vtype=self.element_type.__name__, cls=elem.__class__.__name__,) key = self._object_to_key(elem) # get the key assert not key in tmp, \ "element '{}' present multiple times".format(key) tmp.update({key:elem}) # add to temporary dict = tmp.copy() # set internal dict @property def element_type(self): """ The base type the elements in the set should have """ try: self._element_type except AttributeError: self._element_type = object # default return self._element_type @element_type.setter def element_type(self, newtype): assert inspect.isclass(newtype), "element_type has to be a class" self._element_type = newtype ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def _object_to_key(self, obj): """ key transformation function. Subclasses should override this. Args: obj (object): object Returns: str : the unique key for this object. Defaults to ``repr(obj)`` """ return repr(obj) # by default, return the object's repr
[docs] def add_element(self, newelement): """ Add an element to the set Args: newelement (object of type :any:`element_type`): the new element """ tmp = self.elements.copy() # TODO does this destroy references? tmp.append(newelement) self.elements = tmp
def __getitem__(self, key): return[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert issubclass(value.__class__, self.element_type), ( "new value has to be of type {}").format(self.element_type)[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del[key] def __iter__(self): return iter( def __len__(self): return len(
[docs] def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover """ Stringification Returns: str : a summary """ string = "\n\n".join(str(x) for x in self.elements) if string: return string else: return "none"