Source code for numericalmodel.numericalschemes

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# system modules
import textwrap
import collections

# internal modules
from . import equations
from . import utils

# external modules
import numpy as np

[docs]class NumericalScheme(utils.ReprObject,utils.LoggerObject): """ Base class for numerical schemes Args: description (str): short equation description long_description (str): long equation description equation (DerivativeEquation): the equation fallback_max_timestep (single numeric): the fallback maximum timestep if no timestep can be estimated from the equation ignore_linear (bool): ignore the linear part of the equation? ignore_independent (bool): ignore the variable-independent part of the equation? ignore_nonlinear (bool): ignore the nonlinear part of the equation? """ def __init__(self, description = None, long_description = None, equation = None, fallback_max_timestep = None, ignore_linear = None, ignore_independent = None, ignore_nonlinear = None): if not equation is None: self.equation = equation if not fallback_max_timestep is None: self.fallback_max_timestep = fallback_max_timestep if not description is None: self.description = description if not long_description is None: self.long_description = long_description if not ignore_linear is None: self.ignore_linear = ignore_linear if not ignore_independent is None: self.ignore_independent = ignore_independent if not ignore_nonlinear is None: self.ignore_nonlinear = ignore_nonlinear ################## ### Properties ### ################## @property def description(self): """ The numerical scheme description :type: :any:`str` """ try: self._description except AttributeError: self._description = self._default_description return self._description @description.setter def description(self, newdescription): assert isinstance(newdescription, str), "description has to be str" self._description = newdescription @property def _default_description(self): """ The default description if none was given :type: :any:`str` """ return "a numerical scheme" @property def long_description(self): """ The longer numerical scheme description :type: :any:`str` """ try: self._long_description except AttributeError: self._long_description = self._default_long_description return self._long_description @long_description.setter def long_description(self, newlong_description): assert isinstance(newlong_description, str), \ "long_description has to be str" self._long_description = newlong_description @property def _default_long_description(self): """ The default longer numerical scheme description if none was given :type: :any:`str` """ return "This is a numerical scheme to solve a derivative equation." @property def fallback_max_timestep(self): """ The numerical scheme's fallback maximum timestep :type: :any:`float` """ try: self._fallback_max_timestep except AttributeError: self._fallback_max_timestep = self._default_fallback_max_timestep return self._fallback_max_timestep @fallback_max_timestep.setter def fallback_max_timestep(self, newfallback_max_timestep): assert utils.is_numeric(newfallback_max_timestep), \ "fallback_max_timestep has to be numeric" assert np.asarray(newfallback_max_timestep).size == 1, \ "fallback_max_timestep has to be of size 1" self._fallback_max_timestep = float(newfallback_max_timestep) @property def _default_fallback_max_timestep(self): """ The numerical scheme's default fallback maximum timestep :type: :any:`float` """ return 1.0 @property def equation(self): """ The equation the numerical scheme's should solve :type: :any:`DerivativeEquation` """ try: self._equation except AttributeError: self._equation = self._default_equation return self._equation @equation.setter def equation(self, newequation): assert isinstance(newequation, equations.DerivativeEquation), \ "equation has to be instance of subclass of DerivativeEquation" self._equation = newequation @property def _default_equation(self): """ The default equation the numerical scheme's should solve if none was given :type: :any:`DerivativeEquation` """ return equations.DerivativeEquation() @property def ignore_linear(self): """ Should this numerical scheme ignore the equation's linear factor? :type: :any:`bool` """ try: self._ignore_linear except AttributeError: self._ignore_linear = self._default_ignore_linear return self._ignore_linear @ignore_linear.setter def ignore_linear(self, newignore_linear): self._ignore_linear = bool(newignore_linear) @property def _default_ignore_linear(self): """ Default behaviour for :any:`ignore_linear` :type: :any:`bool` """ return False @property def ignore_independent(self): """ Should this numerical scheme ignore the equation's variable-independent addend? :type: :any:`bool` """ try: self._ignore_independent except AttributeError: self._ignore_independent = self._default_ignore_independent return self._ignore_independent @ignore_independent.setter def ignore_independent(self, newignore_independent): self._ignore_independent = bool(newignore_independent) @property def _default_ignore_independent(self): """ Default behaviour for :any:`ignore_independent` :type: :any:`bool` """ return False @property def ignore_nonlinear(self): """ Should this numerical scheme ignore the equation's nonlinear addend? :type: :any:`bool` """ try: self._ignore_nonlinear except AttributeError: self._ignore_nonlinear = self._default_ignore_nonlinear return self._ignore_nonlinear @ignore_nonlinear.setter def ignore_nonlinear(self, newignore_nonlinear): self._ignore_nonlinear = bool(newignore_nonlinear) @property def _default_ignore_nonlinear(self): """ Default behaviour for :any:`ignore_nonlinear` :type: :any:`bool` """ return False ############### ### Methods ### ############### @property def max_timestep(self, time = None, variablevalue = None): """ Return a maximum timestep for the current state. First tries the :any:`max_timestep_estimate`, then the :any:`fallback_max_timestep`. Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. variablevalue (numpy.ndarray, optional): the variable vaulue to use. Defaults to the value of self.variable at the given time. Returns: float : an estimate of the current maximum timestep """ try: try: # try an estimate ts = self.max_timestep_estimate( time=time, variablevalue=variablevalue) # try estimate except: # estimating didn't work ts = self.fallback_max_timestep # try fallback assert utils.is_numeric(ts) assert np.asarray(ts).size == 1 except: # neither estimate nor fallback were sensible ts = 1 # default raise return ts
[docs] def max_timestep_estimate(self, time = None, variablevalue = None): """ Based on this numerical scheme and the equation parts, estimate a maximum timestep. Subclasses may override this. Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. variablevalue (numpy.ndarray, optional): the variable vaulue to use. Defaults to the value of self.variable at the given time. Returns: single numeric or bogus: an estimate of the current maximum timestep. Definitely check the result for integrity. Raises: Exception : any exception if something goes wrong """ # equation + state -> timestep estimate functions def smaller_than_time_constant(time = None, variablevalue = None): eq = self.equation nonlin = eq.nonlinear_addend(time=time,variablevalue=variablevalue) assert nonlin == 0, "not a linear equation" lin = eq.linear_factor(time = time) assert lin < 0, "not a decay equation" tau = abs(1 / lin) # time constant return 0.01 * tau # timestep must be smaller than time constant # fallback function def nothing(*args,**kwargs): raise Exception # mapping of schemes to functions schemes = { EulerExplicit: smaller_than_time_constant, EulerImplicit: smaller_than_time_constant, RungeKutta4: smaller_than_time_constant, # TODO correct? } fun = schemes.get(self.__class__, nothing ) # get the function timestep = fun(time = time, variablevalue = variablevalue) # call it return timestep # return
[docs] def needed_timesteps(self, timestep): """ Given a timestep to integrate from now on, what other timesteps of the dependencies are needed? Args: timestep (single numeric): the timestep to calculate Returns: numpy.ndarray : the timesteps Note: timestep 0 means the current time """ assert utils.is_numeric(timestep), "timestep needs to be numeric" ts = np.asarray(timestep) assert ts.size == 1, "timestep needs to be one single value" return self._needed_timesteps_for_integration_step(timestep = ts)
[docs] def _needed_timesteps_for_integration_step(self, timestep = None): """ Given a timestep to integrate from now on, what other timesteps of the dependencies are needed? Args: timestep (single numeric): the timestep to calculate Returns: numpy.ndarray : the timesteps Note: timestep 0 means the current time """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses should override this")
[docs] def linear_factor(self, time = None): """ Calculate the equation's linear factor in front of the variable. Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. Returns: numeric : the linear factor or 0 if :any:`ignore_linear` is ``True``. """ if self.ignore_linear: return 0 else: return self.equation.linear_factor( time = time )
[docs] def independent_addend(self, time = None): """ Calculate the equation's addend part that is independent of the variable. Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. Returns: numeric : the independent addend or 0 if :any:`ignore_independent` is ``True``. """ if self.ignore_independent: return 0 else: return self.equation.independent_addend( time = time )
[docs] def nonlinear_addend(self, time = None, variablevalue = None): """ Calculate the derivative's addend part that is nonlinearly dependent of the variable. Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. variablevalue (numpy.ndarray, optional): the variable vaulue to use. Defaults to the value of self.variable at the given time. Returns: res (numeric): the nonlinear addend or 0 if ignore_nonlinear is True. """ if self.ignore_nonlinear: return 0 else: return self.equation.nonlinear_addend( time = time, variablevalue = variablevalue)
[docs] def integrate(self, time = None, until = None): """ Integrate until a certain time, respecting the :any:`max_timestep`. Args: time (single numeric, optional): The time to begin. Defaults to current variable :any:`time`. until (single numeric, optional): The time to integrate until. Defaults to one :any:`max_timestep` further. """ assert utils.is_numeric(until), "until needs to be numeric" if time is None: time = self.equation.variable.time current_max_timestep = self.max_timestep self.logger.debug("current maximum timestep is {}".format( current_max_timestep)) if until is None: until = time + current_max_timestep self.logger.debug("integrating until time {}".format(until)) time_now = time while time_now < until: self.logger.debug(("current time {} is smaller than until time {}" ).format(time_now,until)) time_left = until - time_now if time_left > current_max_timestep: # full max_timestep fits timestep = current_max_timestep else: timestep = time_left self.logger.debug(("integrate one step from time {} with " "timestep {}").format(time_now,timestep)) # integrate one step self.integrate_step( time = time_now, timestep = timestep ) time_now += timestep self.logger.debug(("reached until time {}").format(time_now))
[docs] def integrate_step(self, time = None, timestep = None): """ Integrate "timestep" forward and set results in-place Args: time (single numeric, optional): The time to calculate the step FROM. Defaults to the current variable time. timestep (single numeric, optional): The timestep to calculate the step. Defaults to :any:`max_timestep`. """ var = self.equation.variable if timestep is None: timestep = self.max_timestep if time is None: time = var.time var.next_time = time + timestep # this is the next time tend = self.step( # integrate one timestep time = time, timestep = timestep, tendency = True ) # self.logger.debug("{} tendency: {}".format(,tend)) # self.logger.debug("var() = {}".format(var())) # self.logger.debug("var({}) = {}".format(time,var(time))) # self.logger.debug("var.time = {}".format(var.time)) # self.logger.debug("var(var.time) = {}".format(var(var.time))) new = var(time) + tend var.value = new # save value var.next_time = None # unset next_time
[docs] def step(self, time, timestep, tendency=True): """ Integrate one "timestep" from "time" forward and return value Args: time (single numeric): The time to calculate the step FROM timestep (single numeric): The timestep to calculate the step tendency (bool, optional): return the tendency or the actual value of the variable after the timestep? Returns: numpy.ndarray : The resulting variable value or tendency """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses should override this")
[docs] def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover """ Stringification Returns: str : a summary """ string = ( " \"{description}\" \n" "{long_description}\n" "maximum timestep: {max_timestep} \n" "[numerical scheme for equation:] \n" "{equation}\n" ).format(description=self.description, equation = textwrap.indent(text=str(self.equation),prefix="> "), max_timestep = self.max_timestep,, long_description = self.long_description) return string
[docs]class EulerExplicit(NumericalScheme): """ Euler-explicit numerical scheme """ @property def _default_description(self): return "Euler-explicit scheme" @property def _default_long_description(self): return "This is a Euler-explicit scheme to solve a derivative equation."
[docs] def step(self, time = None, timestep = None, tendency = True): if timestep is None: timestep = self.max_timestep v = self.equation.variable # get equation parts linear = self.linear_factor( time = time ) indep = self.independent_addend( time = time ) nonlin = self.nonlinear_addend( time = time ) cur = v( time ) # explicit scheme tend = timestep * ( linear * cur + indep + nonlin ) if tendency: # only tendency desired res = tend else: # value desired res = cur + tend return res
def _needed_timesteps_for_integration_step(self, timestep = None): return np.array([0]) # only current time needed
[docs]class EulerImplicit(NumericalScheme): """ Euler-implicit numerical scheme """ @property def _default_description(self): return "Euler-implicit scheme" @property def _default_long_description(self): return "This is a Euler-implicit scheme to solve a derivative equation."
[docs] def step(self, time = None, timestep = None, tendency = True): """ Integrate one "timestep" from "time" forward with the Euler-implicit scheme and return the resulting variable value. Args: time (single numeric): The time to calculate the step FROM timestep (single numeric): The timestep to calculate the step tendency (bool, optional): return the tendency or the actual value of the variable after the timestep? Returns: numpy.ndarray : The resulting variable value or tendency Raises: AssertionError : when the equation's nonlinear part is not zero and :any:`ignore_nonlinear` is not set to ``True`` """ if timestep is None: timestep = self.max_timestep v = self.equation.variable # get equation parts linear = self.linear_factor( time = time ) indep = self.independent_addend( time = time ) nonlin = self.nonlinear_addend( time = time ) assert np.all(nonlin == 0), ("nonlinear part of equation is not " "zero! Cannot integrate equation with implicit scheme. Set " "ignore_nonlinear to ignore nonlinear part.") # implicit scheme new = ( indep * timestep + v( time ) ) / ( 1 - linear * timestep ) if tendency: # tendency desired res = new - v( time ) # only tendency else: # new value desired res = new return res
def _needed_timesteps_for_integration_step(self, timestep): return np.array([0,1]) * timestep # current time and timestep needed
[docs]class LeapFrog(NumericalScheme): """ Leap-Frog numerical scheme """ @property def _default_description(self): return "Leap-Frog scheme" @property def _default_long_description(self): return "This is a Leap-Frog scheme to solve a derivative equation."
[docs] def step(self, time = None, timestep = None, tendency = True): if timestep is None: timestep = self.max_timestep v = self.equation.variable if time is None: time = v.time # get equation parts linear = self.linear_factor( time = time ) indep = self.independent_addend( time = time ) nonlin = self.nonlinear_addend( time = time ) # previous value prev = v( time - timestep ) cur = v( time ) # leap-frog scheme new = prev + 2 * timestep * ( linear * cur + indep + nonlin ) if tendency: # tendency desired res = new - cur # only tendency else: # new value desired res = new return res
def _needed_timesteps_for_integration_step(self, timestep): return np.array([-1,0]) * timestep # prev time and current time needed
[docs]class RungeKutta4(NumericalScheme): """ Runte-Kutta-4 numerical scheme """ @property def _default_description(self): return "Runge-Kutta-4 scheme" @property def _default_long_description(self): return ("This is a Runge-Kutta-4th-order scheme to solve a " "derivative equation.")
[docs] def step(self, time = None, timestep = None, tendency = True): if timestep is None: timestep = self.max_timestep v = self.equation.variable if time is None: time = v.time # get equation parts linear = self.linear_factor( time = time ) indep = self.independent_addend( time = time ) nonlin = self.nonlinear_addend( time = time ) half_time = time + timestep / 2 next_time = time + timestep cur = v( time ) def F(): return linear * cur + indep + nonlin # first part k1 = timestep * F() # second part linear = self.linear_factor( time = half_time ) indep = self.independent_addend( time = half_time ) nonlin = self.nonlinear_addend( time = half_time, variablevalue = cur + k1 / 2 ) k2 = timestep * F() nonlin = self.nonlinear_addend( time = half_time, variablevalue = cur + k2 / 2 ) k3 = timestep * F() linear = self.linear_factor( time = next_time ) indep = self.independent_addend( time = next_time ) nonlin = self.nonlinear_addend( time = next_time, variablevalue = cur + k3 ) k4 = timestep * F() tend = ( k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4 ) / 6 if tendency: # tendency desired res = tend # only tendency else: # new value desired res = cur + tend # add tendency return res
def _needed_timesteps_for_integration_step(self, timestep): return np.array([0,0.5,1]) * timestep # current time, half and full
############################### ### Sets of NumericalScheme ### ###############################
[docs]class SetOfNumericalSchemes(utils.SetOfObjects): """ Base class for sets of NumericalSchemes Args: elements (:any:`list` of :any:`NumericalScheme`, optional): the the numerical schemes fallback_plan (list, optional): the fallback plan if automatic planning fails. Depending on the combination of numerical scheme and equations, a certain order or solving the equations is crucial. For some cases, the order can be determined automatically, but if that fails, one has to provide this information by hand. Has to be a :any:`list` of ``[varname, [timestep1,timestep2,...]]`` pairs. varname: the name of the equation variable. Obviously there has to be at least one entry in the list for each equation. timestepN: the normed timesteps (betw. 0 and 1) to calculate. Normed means, that if it is requested to integrate the set of numerical equations by an overall timestep, what percentages of this timestep have to be available of this variable. E.g. an overall timestep of 10 is requested. Another equation needs this variable at the timesteps 2 and 8. Then the timesteps would be [0.2,0.8]. Obviously, the equations that looks farest into the future (e.g. Runge-Kutta or Euler-Implicit) has to be last in this fallback_plan list. """ def __init__(self, elements = [], fallback_plan = None): utils.SetOfObjects.__init__(self, # call SetOfObjects constructor elements = elements, element_type = NumericalScheme, # only NumericalScheme is allowed ) # set properties if fallback_plan is None: self.fallback_plan = self._default_fallback_plan else: self.fallback_plan = fallback_plan ################## ### Properties ### ################## @property def plan(self): """ The unified plan for this set of numerical schemes. First try to determine the plan automatically, if that fails, use the :any:`fallback_plan`. :type: :any:`list` """ try: # try automatic planning plan = self._automatic_plan except: # automatic planning didn't work plan = self.fallback_plan # use fallback return plan @property def fallback_plan(self): """ The fallback plan if automatic plan determination does not work :type: :any:`list` """ try: self._fallback_plan except AttributeError: self._fallback_plan = self._default_fallback_plan return self._fallback_plan @fallback_plan.setter def fallback_plan(self, newfallback_plan): try: variables = { p[0] for p in newfallback_plan } assert all( v in variables for v in self.keys() ), \ "not all equations present in plan" timesteps = [ np.asarray(p[1]) for p in newfallback_plan ] assert all( np.all( np.logical_and(0<=ts,ts<=1) ) \ for ts in timesteps), \ "timesteps outside (0,1) requested in plan" except: raise ValueError("wrong scheme plan format") self._fallback_plan = newfallback_plan @property def _default_fallback_plan(self): """ The default fallback plan if none was given """ # stupidest plan: solve equations in alphabetical order plan = [ [var,[1]] for var in sorted(self.keys()) ] return plan @property def _automatic_plan(self): """ Try to determine the scheme plan based on the equations and the numerical schemes. :type: :any:`list` .. todo:: Implementing this is definitely possible. All needed information is accessible: - the equation's dependencies - the numerical scheme's needed timesteps """ # TODO: This definitely has to be implemented for convenience raise NotImplementedError("Automatic planning is definitely possible, " "but not yet implemented") ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def _object_to_key(self, obj): """ key transformation function. Args: obj (object): the element Returns: key (str): the unique key for this object. The equation's variable's id is used. """ return
[docs] def integrate(self, start_time, final_time): """ Integrate the model until final_time Args: start_time (float): the starting time final_time (float): time to integrate until """"start integration") current_time = start_time while current_time < final_time: self.logger.debug("current time {} is smaller than " "final time {}".format(current_time, final_time)) # timestep of most dependent equation biggest_timestep = self[self.plan[-1][0]].max_timestep self.logger.debug("timestep of last scheme: {}".format( biggest_timestep)) run_time_left = final_time - current_time if run_time_left > biggest_timestep: big_timestep = biggest_timestep else: big_timestep = run_time_left for plan_step in self.plan: scheme_time = current_time varname = plan_step[0] # variable name scheme = self[varname] # get scheme timesteps = np.asarray( plan_step[1] ) * big_timestep # self.logger.debug("timesteps: {}".format(timesteps)) for ts in timesteps: # loop over all timesteps until_time = current_time + ts self.logger.debug( ("integrate scheme '{}' for equation '{}' until time {}" ).format( scheme.description, scheme.equation.description, until_time)) scheme.integrate( time = scheme_time, until = until_time) scheme_time = current_time + ts current_time = current_time + big_timestep"end of integration")