Source code for numericalmodel.genericmodel

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# system modules
import logging

# internal modules
from . import utils

# external modules

[docs]class GenericModel(utils.LoggerObject,utils.ReprObject): """ Base class for models Args: name (str, optional): the model name version (str, optional): the model version description (str): a short model description long_description (str): an extended model description authors (:any:`str`, :any:`list` or :any:`dict`, optional): the model author(s). One of :any:`str`: name of single author :any:`list` of :any:`str`: :any:`list` of author names :any:`dict`: :any:`dict` of ``{'task': ['name1','name1']}`` pairs """ def __init__(self, name = None, version = None, description = None, long_description = None, authors = None, ): self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # logger # set properties if not name is None: = name if not version is None: self.version = version if not description is None: self.description = description if not long_description is None: self.long_description = long_description if not authors is None: self.authors = authors ################## ### Properties ### ################## @property def name(self): """ The model name :type: :any:`str` """ try: self._name # already defined? except AttributeError: self._name = "unnamed model" # default return self._name # return @name.setter def name(self,newname): assert isinstance(newname, str), "name has to be str" self._name = newname @property def _default_name(self): """ Default name if none was given :type: :any:`str` """ return "generic model" @property def description(self): """ The model description :type: :any:`str` """ try: self._description # already defined? except AttributeError: self._description = "" # default return self._description # return @description.setter def description(self,newdescription): assert isinstance(newdescription, str), "description has to be str" self._description = newdescription @property def _default_description(self): """ Default description if none was given :type: :any:`str` """ return "a generic model" @property def long_description(self): """ Longer model description :type: :any:`str` """ try: self._long_description # already defined? except AttributeError: self._long_description = "" # default return self._long_description # return @long_description.setter def long_description(self,newlong_description): assert isinstance(newlong_description, str), \ "long_description has to be str" self._long_description = newlong_description @property def _default_long_description(self): """ Default long_description if none was given :type: :any:`str` """ return "This is a generic model." @property def version(self): """ The model version :type: :any:`str` """ try: self._version # already defined? except AttributeError: self._version = "0.0.1" # default return self._version # return @version.setter def version(self,newversion): assert isinstance(newversion, str), "version has to be str" self._version = newversion @property def _default_version(self): """ Default version if none was given :type: :any:`str` """ return "0.0.1" @property def authors(self): """ The model author(s) :any:`str`: name of single author :any:`list` of :any:`str`: :any:`list` of author names :any:`dict`: :any:`dict` of ``{'task': ['name1','name1']}`` pairs """ try: self._authors # already defined? except AttributeError: self._authors = "anonymous" # default return self._authors # return @authors.setter def authors(self,newauthors): assert isinstance(newauthors, str) \ or isinstance(newauthors, list) \ or isinstance(newauthors, dict) \ ,"authors has to be str, list or dict" self._authors = newauthors @property def _default_authors(self): """ Default authors if none were given :type: :any:`str` """ return "anonymous"
[docs] def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover """ Stringification Returns: str : a summary """ if isinstance(self.authors,dict): author_str = "\n".join("{task}: {name}".format( task=task,name=name) for task,name in self.authors.items()) elif isinstance(self.authors,list): author_str = "\n".join(self.authors) elif isinstance(self.authors,str): author_str = self.authors else: author_str = "?" string = ( "###\n" "### \"{name}\" \n" "### - {description} -\n" "### version {version}\n" "###\n\n" "by:\n" "{authors}\n\n" "{description}\n" "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" "{long_description}\n\n" ).format( name =, version = self.version, description = self.description, long_description = self.long_description, authors = author_str, ) return string