Source code for numericalmodel.equations

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# system modules
import collections
import inspect
import copy

# internal modules
from . import interfaces
from . import utils

# external modules
import numpy as np

[docs]class Equation(utils.LoggerObject,utils.ReprObject): """ Base class for equations Args: description (str, optional): short equation description long_description (str, optional): long equation description variable (StateVariable, optional): the variable obtained by solving the equation input (SetOfInterfaceValues, optional): set of values needed by the equation """ def __init__(self, variable = None, description = None, long_description = None, input = None, ): if not variable is None: self.variable = variable if not description is None: self.description = description if not input is None: self.input = input if not long_description is None: self.long_description = long_description ################## ### Properties ### ################## @property def variable(self): """ The variable the equation is able to solve for :type: :any:`StateVariable` """ try: self._variable except AttributeError: self._variable = self._default_variable return self._variable @variable.setter def variable(self, newvar): assert isinstance(newvar, interfaces.StateVariable), \ "variable has to be instance of StateVariable" self._variable = newvar @property def _default_variable(self): """ The default variable if none was given :type: :any:`StateVariable` """ return interfaces.StateVariable() @property def description(self): """ The description of the equation :type: :any:`str` """ try: self._description except AttributeError: self._description = self._default_description return self._description @description.setter def description(self, newdescription): assert isinstance(newdescription, str), "description has to be str" self._description = newdescription @property def _default_description(self): """ The default description if none was given :type: :any:`str` """ return "an equation" @property def input(self): """ The input needed by the equation. Only real dependencies should be included. If the equation depends on the :any:`variable`, it should also be included in :any:`input`. :type: :any:`SetOfInterfaceValues` """ try: self._input except AttributeError: self._input = self._default_input return self._input @input.setter def input(self, newinput): assert isinstance(newinput, interfaces.SetOfInterfaceValues), \ "input has to be SetOfInterfaceValues" self._input = newinput @property def _default_input(self): """ The default input if none was given :type: :any:`SetOfInterfaceValues` """ return interfaces.SetOfInterfaceValues() @property def long_description(self): """ The longer description of this equation :type: :any:`str` """ try: self._long_description except AttributeError: self._long_description = self._default_long_description return self._long_description @long_description.setter def long_description(self, newlong_description): assert isinstance(newlong_description, str), \ "long_description has to be str" self._long_description = newlong_description @property def _default_long_description(self): """ The default long description if none was given :type: :any:`str` """ return "This is an equation." ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def depends_on(self, id): """ Check if this equation depends on a given :any:`InterfaceValue` Args: id (str or InterfaceValue): an :any:`InterfaceValue` or an id Returns: bool : ``True`` if 'id' is in :any:`input`, ``False`` otherwise """ try: ident = except AttributeError: ident = id assert isinstance(ident,str), \ "id is neither str nor has it an 'id' attribute" return ident in self.input.keys()
[docs] def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover """ Stringification Returns: str : a summary """ string = ( " \"{description}\" \n" "----------- {variable} -----------\n" "{long_description}" ).format(description=self.description,, long_description = self.long_description) return string
[docs]class DerivativeEquation(Equation): """ Class to represent a derivative equation """ ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def linear_factor(self, time = None): # pragma: no cover """ Calculate the derivative's linear factor in front of the variable Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. Returns: numpy.ndarray : the equation's linear factor at the corresponding time """ raise NotImplementedError("subclasses must override this method")
[docs] def independent_addend(self, time = None): # pragma: no cover """ Calculate the derivative's addend part that is independent of the variable. Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. Returns: numpy.ndarray : the equation's variable-independent addend at the corresponding time """ raise NotImplementedError("subclasses must override this method")
[docs] def nonlinear_addend( self, time = None, variablevalue = None): # pragma: no cover """ Calculate the derivative's addend part that is nonlinearly dependent of the variable. Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. variablevalue (numpy.ndarray, optional): the variable vaulue to use. Defaults to the value of self.variable at the given time. Returns: numpy.ndarray : the equation's nonlinear addend at the corresponding time """ raise NotImplementedError("subclasses must override this method")
[docs] def derivative(self, time = None, variablevalue = None): # pragma: no cover """ Calculate the derivative (right-hand-side) of the equation Args: time (single numeric, optional): the time to calculate the derivative. Defaults to the variable's current (last) time. variablevalue (numpy.ndarray, optional): the variable vaulue to use. Defaults to the value of self.variable at the given time. Returns: numpy.ndarray : the derivatives corresponding to the given time """ if variablevalue is None: var = self.variable(time) else: var = variablevalue # calculate the derivative parts linear_factor = self.linear_factor(time = time) independent_addend = self.independent_addend(time = time) nonlinear_addend = self.nonlinear_addend( time = time, variablevalue = var) # merge parts deriv = linear_factor * var + independent_addend + nonlinear_addend return deriv
[docs]class PrognosticEquation(DerivativeEquation): """ Class to represent prognostic equations """ pass
[docs]class DiagnosticEquation(Equation): """ Class to represent diagnostic equations """ pass
######################## ### Set of Equations ### ########################
[docs]class SetOfEquations(utils.SetOfObjects): """ Base class for sets of Equations Args: elements (:any:`list` of :any:`Equation`, optional): the list of :any:`Equation` instances """ def __init__(self, elements = []): utils.SetOfObjects.__init__(self, # call SetOfObjects constructor elements = elements, element_type = Equation, # only Equation is allowed ) ############### ### Methods ### ###############
[docs] def _object_to_key(self, obj): """ key transformation function. Args: obj (object): the element Returns: str : the unique key for this object. The :any:`Equation.variable`'s :any:`id` is used. """ return