
Linear decay equation

This is the full code from the Setting up a model section:

# import the module
import numericalmodel
from numericalmodel.interfaces import *
from numericalmodel.numericalschemes import *

# create a model
model = numericalmodel.numericalmodel.NumericalModel()
model.initial_time = 0

# define values
temperature = StateVariable( id = "T", name = "temperature", unit = "K"  )
parameter = Parameter( id = "a", name = "linear parameter", unit = "1/s"  )
forcing = ForcingValue( id = "F", name = "forcing parameter", unit = "K/s" )

# add the values to the model
model.variables  = SetOfStateVariables( [ temperature  ]  )
model.parameters = SetOfParameters(     [ parameter  ]    )
model.forcing    = SetOfForcingValues(  [ forcing  ]      )

# set initial values
model.variables["T"].value  = 20 + 273.15
model.parameters["a"].value = 0.1
model.forcing["F"].value    = 28

# define the equation
class LinearDecayEquation(numericalmodel.equations.PrognosticEquation):
    Class for the linear decay equation
    def linear_factor(self, time = None ):
        # take the "a" parameter from the input, interpolate it to the given
        # "time" and return the negative value
        return - self.input["a"](time)

    def independent_addend(self, time = None ):
        # take the "F" forcing parammodel.integrate( final_time = model.model_time + 60 )eter from the input, interpolate it to
        # the given "time" and return it
        return self.input["F"](time)

    def nonlinear_addend(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return 0 # nonlinear addend is always zero (LINEAR decay equation)

# create an equation object
decay_equation = LinearDecayEquation(
    variable = temperature,
    input = SetOfInterfaceValues( [parameter, forcing] ),

# create a numerical scheme
implicit_scheme = numericalmodel.numericalschemes.EulerImplicit(
    equation = decay_equation

# add the numerical scheme to the model
model.numericalschemes = SetOfNumericalSchemes( [ implicit_scheme ] )

# integrate the model
model.integrate( final_time = model.model_time + 60 )

# plot the results
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot( temperature.times, temperature.values,
    linewidth = 2,
    label = temperature.name,
plt.xlabel( "time [seconds]" )
plt.ylabel( "{} [{}]".format( temperature.name, temperature.unit ) )
linear decay model results

The linear decay model results